
This section explains the classes that represent constraints.

See also

Before reading this section, please review the basic use of the Amplify SDK at Tutorial and how to use polynomial objects at Polynomial.

The Constraint Objects

When solving problems with quantum annealing machines and Ising machines, it may be necessary to impose constraint conditions on the variables.

For example, you may need to search for the optimal solution of the objective function \(f\left(x_0, x_1, x_2 \right)\) under some constraints, such as an equality constraint like \(x_0 + x_1 + x_2 = 1\) or an inequality constraint like \(x_0 + x_1 + x_2 \leq 2\).

However, QUBO and Ising models, which you need to use for quantum annealing machines and Ising machines, cannot directly handle such constraints. One basic approach to deal with constraints is to prepare a penalty function \(g\), which takes the minimum value if and only if the constraint is satisfied, and adds it to the original objective function \(f\) with a weight \(\lambda\).

In other words, by finding the optimal solution of \(f' = f + \lambda g \quad (\lambda > 0)\) instead of \(f\), a solution will be obtained where the penalty function \(g\) take the minimum value and therefore satisfies the constraint condition. In practice, since the output of the machine is not always a solution that satisfies the constraints, you must identify that the solution is feasible by checking if \(g\) takes the minimum value at the solution.

The Amplify SDK abstracts this procedure by using constraint objects that handle everything from construction to management, including the construction of such penalty functions, weighting penalty functions, and sufficiency checks of solutions. The components managed by the constraint object are as follows:

  • Constraint condition: Constraint conditions to be satisfied

  • Penalty function: Penalty functions corresponding to constraint conditions

  • Weight: Weights to be given to the penalty function (\(\lambda\) in the above)

Constraint objects can be converted to logical models by giving them to BinaryQuadraticModel etc, or they can be treated as additional constraints on a polynomial or matrix object by combining them with polynomial or matrix classes. The weighted penalty function will be added to the objective function at the time the logical model is converted to the physical model and become the input to the Ising machines.

The correspondence with polynomial and matrix classes is as follows:

Polynomial class

Matrix class

Constraint class













The Amplify SDK provides helper functions to create constraint objects for typical constraints.

  • equal_to() constrains a given polynomial \(f\) to have a constant value \(c\). one_hot() is given as an alias of equal_to() for \(f = 1\).

  • less_equal() constrains a given polynomial \(f\) to be less than or equal to a constant value \(c\). \(f\) must be a polynomial that can take a value less than c.

  • greater_equal() constrains a given polynomial \(f\) to be greater than or equal to a constant value \(c\). \(f\) must be a polynomial that can take a value greater than c

  • clamp() constrains a given polynomial \(f\) to have a constant value between \(c_1\) and \(c_2\). \(f\) must be a polynomial that can take a value between \(c_1`\) and \(c2\).


Generating function

Condition for use

\(f \left( \mathbf{q} \right) = c\)


\(\exists \mathbf{q}, f\left( \mathbf{q} \right) = c\)

\(f \left( \mathbf{q} \right) \le c\)


\(\exists \mathbf{q}, f\left( \mathbf{q} \right) \le c\)

\(f \left( \mathbf{q} \right) \ge c\)


\(\exists \mathbf{q}, f\left( \mathbf{q} \right) \ge c\)

\(c_1 \le f \left( \mathbf{q} \right) \le c_2\)


\(\exists \mathbf{q}, f\left( \mathbf{q} \right) \le c_2 \land \exists \mathbf{q}, f\left( \mathbf{q} \right) \ge c_1\)

These helper functions return a constraint object with the given constraint condition itself and a penalty function corresponding to the constraint, initialized with the weight \(1\). Examples of using each helper function are shown below.


The penalty function given by the helper function is normalized so that the minimum penalty imposed for breaking the constraint is \(1\). Note that the appropriate weights must be given to the constraint object depending on the possible values of the objective function.

Equality Constraint

For equality constraints, the equal_to() function constrains any given polynomial \(f\) to have a constant value \(c\). The function takes a constraint target as its first argument and a constant value as its second argument. The following example creates a constraint object that represents \(3 q_0 - q_1 - 2 q_2 + q_3 = 2\).

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import equal_to

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()  # Declare a BinaryPoly variable generator
q = gen.array(4)  # Generate variable array of length 4
f = 3 * q[0] - q[1] - 2 * q[2] + q[3]  # The left-hand side of the constraint f
g = equal_to(f, 2)  # Create a constraint object representing f = 2
>>> g
3 q_0 - q_1 - 2 q_2 + q_3 == 2

To find a solution that satisfies the constraint, construct a logical model from the created constraint object and solve it with a solver object constructed as follows:

from amplify import BinaryQuadraticModel, Solver
from amplify.client import FixstarsClient

client = FixstarsClient()
client.token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client.parameters.timeout = 1000
client.parameters.outputs.duplicate = True  # Duplicate output of solutions with identical energy values
client.parameters.outputs.num_outputs = 0

model = BinaryQuadraticModel(g)
solver = Solver(client)
result = solver.solve(model)
>>> for solution in result:
>>>     values = solution.values
>>>     print(f"q = {q.decode(values)}, f = {f.replace_all(values)}")
q = [1. 1. 0. 0.], f = 2.0
q = [1. 0. 1. 1.], f = 2.0

We can see from above that we got a solution that satisfies \(f = 2\).

It is also possible to give a polynomial array as the constraint target. In such cases, the sum() method is implicitly called on the polynomial array, and the sum of the array elements will be the constraint target.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import equal_to

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()  # Declare a BinaryPoly variable generator
q = gen.array(4)  # Generate variable array of length 4
>>> equal_to(q, 2)
q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 == 2
>>> equal_to(q.sum(), 2)
q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 == 2


For a given polynomial \(f\) and constant \(c\), the equal_to() function estimates \(\min f\) and generates a penalty function \(g\) as follows:

  1. If \(\min f < c\) :

\[g = \left( f - c \right)^2\]
  1. If \(\min f = c\) :

\[g = f - c\]

It is easy to see the penalty function \(g\) takes \(g = 0\) when \(f = c\) and \(g > 0\) otherwise.

Formulation of the Traveling Salesman Problem

A typical constraint with an equality condition is the One-hot constraint. It constrains multiple variables so that only one of them is \(1\) and the others are \(0\). It appears when multiple variables are used to represent multiple states.

Here we explain the formulation of the constraints by taking Traveling Salesman Problem , a problem in which one-hot constraints appear, as an example.

The objective function of the Traveling Salesman Problem is as follows:

\[f = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}{\sum_{j=0}^{N-1}{ d_{ij} q_{n, i} q_{n+1, j} }}} \quad \left( q_{N,j} = q_{0,j} \right)\]

Here, \(N\) denotes the problem size (number of cities) and \(q\) the binary variables of the objective function. \(d\) is the distance matrix representing the distances between cities. As described in Formulation by polynomial array, the most sophisticated way to express the objective function is as follows:

import numpy as np
from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator, sum_poly

# Problem Size (Number of Cities)
ncity = 10

# Create distance matrix from random numbers
d = np.triu(np.random.rand(ncity, ncity), k=1)
d += np.triu(d).T  # Convert to symmetric matrix

# Create variable arrays
gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(ncity, ncity)  # Generate ncity x ncity variable array

# Formulation of the objective function
qr = q.roll(-1, axis=0)
f = sum_poly("ij,ni,nj->", d, q, qr)  # Einstein summation convention

The formulation of the traveling salesman problem requires more than just an objective function. The following constraints must be imposed on the variable array to represent the condition that each city is visited exactly once.

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\sum_{i=0}^{N-1}{q_{n, i}} = 1 \quad n \in \left\{0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \right\}\\\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{q_{n, i}} = 1 \quad i \in \left\{0, 1, \cdots, N - 1 \right\}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

The above constraint conditions state that in each row and column of the two-dimensional variable array, there must be exactly one variable that is \(1\). These are expressed using the equal_to() function as follows.

from amplify.constraint import equal_to

g = sum(equal_to(q[i, :].sum(), 1) + equal_to(q[:, i].sum(), 1) for i in range(ncity))

The sum of the variables of each row and column is calculated by sum(), and then the constraint for each low and column is constructed by the equal_to() function. These constraint objects can be added together by the sum() function to give the constraint object \(g\) which reflects all the constraints. Note that the sum() method in the equal_to() function can be omitted, since the constraint function can take polynomial array and call sum() implicitly.

Moreover, as a special case of the equal_to() function, there is a one_hot() function for one-hot constraints. This function takes a polynomial or a polynomial array for its only argument. Giving a polynomial (or polynomial array) to this function is equivalent to feeding the equal_to() function with the same polynomial (or polynomial array) as the first argument and \(1\) as the second argument.

Therefore, the following simplification is achieved:

from amplify.constraint import one_hot

g = sum(one_hot(q[i]) + one_hot(q[:, i]) for i in range(ncity))

Next, we determine the weights of the constraint objects. The constraint objects generated by default are normalized to impose a penalty value so that the minimum penalty for not satisfying the constraint will be \(1\). This may be under- or over-weighted depending on the objective function. If the weights are too small, the optimized result will be less likely to satisfy the constraints, and if they are too large, the objective function may result in a poorly minimized solution.

While it is generally difficult to determine the appropriate constraint weights in advance, the following guideline can be helpful:

(The maximum gain of the objective function when a constraint is violated) \(<\) (The minimum penalty value when that constraint is violated)

It is difficult to accurately estimate the left-hand side of the above guideline in advance because the (quasi-)optimal solution output by the machine cannot be known in advance. Therefore, we will roughly estimate the maximum value of the left-hand side to determine the weight of the penalty.

In the traveling salesman problem, the gain from violating constraints is estimated as follows: first, suppose we have a feasible solution that satisfies all constraints. We consider the maximum gain in the objective function by modifying that solution. For example, turning one variable \(1\) to \(0\) can be interpreted as removing two transfers \(i \rightarrow j\) and \(j \rightarrow k\) for some visiting order \(i \rightarrow j \rightarrow k\). Such a change is penalized because two constraint conditions are violated. On the other hand, the gain of the objective function is at least twice the maximum length of the edges \(\max_{(i,j)} d_{ij}\). By considering other cases similarly, we can see the penalty weight below is sufficient:

g *= np.max(d)

The weight of a constraint object can be changed by multiplying it by a number. See Set Constraint Weights for more details. Together with the formulation of the objective function, the formulation of the traveling salesman problem can be summarized as follows:

import numpy as np
from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator, sum_poly
from amplify.constraint import one_hot

# Problem Size (Number of Cities)
ncity = 10

# Create distance matrix
d = np.triu(np.random.rand(ncity, ncity), k=1)
d += np.triu(d).T  # Convert to symmetric matrix

# Create variable arrays
gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(ncity, ncity)  # Generate ncity x ncity variable array

# Formulation of the objective function
qr = q.roll(-1, axis=0)  # Displace q by -1 in the column direction (axis=0)
f = sum_poly("ij,ni,nj->", d, q, qr)  # sum_poly の代わりに einsum を用いても同様

# Formulation of the constraints
g = np.max(d) * sum(one_hot(q[i]) + one_hot(q[:, i]) for i in range(ncity))

# Logical model construction
m = f + g

See also

Setting weights for constraint objects is more important for larger problems. Trial-and-error adjustments to the weights may be necessary to obtain a result that satisfies the constraints or to obtain a better solution. See below for more information on improving solution accuracy by estimating and adjusting constraint weights discussed above.

K. Takehara, D. Oku, Y. Matsuda, S. Tanaka and N. Togawa, “A Multiple Coefficients Trial Method to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems for Simulated-annealing-based Ising Machines,” 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, Germany, 2019, pp. 64-69, doi: 10.1109/ICCE-Berlin47944.2019.8966167.

Inequality Constraint

Objects generated by the following functions constrain polynomials that take integer values to satisfy inequalities.

  • less_equal() constrains a given polynomial \(f\) to be less than or equal to the value \(c\) (\(f \le c\)).

  • greater_equal() constrains a given polynomial \(f\) to be greater than or equal to the value \(c\) (\(f \ge c\)).

  • clamp() constrains the given polynomial \(f\) to have a value between \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) (\(c_1 \le f \le c_2\)).

The less_equal() function takes a constraint target as its first argument and a constant value as its second argument. The greater_equal() function does the same. The clamp() function accepts a minimum and maximum value for the second and third arguments, respectively.

The following example creates a constraint for a polynomial with integer coefficients representing \(4 q_0 + 3 q_1 + 2 q_2 + q_3 \le 3\).

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import less_equal

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()  # Declare a BinaryPoly variable generator
q = gen.array(4)  # Generate variable array of length 4
f = 4 * q[0] + 3 * q[1] + 2 * q[2] + q[3]
g = less_equal(f, 3) # Create a constraint object representing f <= 3
>>> g
4 q_0 + 3 q_1 + 2 q_2 + q_3 <= 3

To find a solution that satisfies the constraint, construct a logical model from the created constraint object and solve it with a solver object constructed as follows.

from amplify import BinaryQuadraticModel, Solver
from amplify.client import FixstarsClient

client = FixstarsClient()
client.token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client.parameters.timeout = 1000
client.parameters.outputs.duplicate = True  # Duplicate output of solutions with identical energy values
client.parameters.outputs.num_outputs = 0

model = BinaryQuadraticModel(g)
solver = Solver(client)
result = solver.solve(model)
>>> for solution in result:
>>>     values = solution.values
>>>     print(f"q = {q.decode(values)}, f = {f.replace_all(values)}")
q = [0. 0. 0. 1.], f = 1.0
q = [0. 0. 1. 0.], f = 2.0
q = [0. 0. 0. 0.], f = 0.0
q = [0. 0. 1. 1.], f = 3.0
q = [0. 1. 0. 0.], f = 3.0

We can see we got a solution satisfying \(f \le 3\).

The following is an example of using the greater_equal() and clamp() functions.

from amplify.constraint import greater_equal

g = greater_equal(f, 3) # Create a constraint object representing f >= 3
result = solver.solve(g)
>>> g
4 q_0 + 3 q_1 + 2 q_2 + q_3 >= 3
>>> for solution in result:
>>>     values = solution.values
>>>     print(f"q = {q.decode(values)}, f = {f.replace_all(values)}")
q = [1. 1. 0. 1.], f = 8.0
q = [1. 0. 0. 1.], f = 5.0
q = [0. 1. 1. 1.], f = 6.0
q = [1. 1. 0. 0.], f = 7.0
q = [1. 0. 1. 0.], f = 6.0
q = [1. 1. 1. 0.], f = 9.0
q = [1. 0. 1. 1.], f = 7.0
q = [1. 1. 1. 1.], f = 10.0
q = [1. 0. 0. 0.], f = 4.0
q = [0. 1. 1. 0.], f = 5.0
q = [0. 1. 0. 1.], f = 4.0
q = [0. 1. 0. 0.], f = 3.0
q = [0. 0. 1. 1.], f = 3.0
from amplify.constraint import clamp

g = clamp(f, 2, 3)  # Create constraint object representing 2 <= f <= 3
result = solver.solve(g)
>>> g
2 <= 4 q_0 + 3 q_1 + 2 q_2 + q_3 <= 3
>>> for solution in result:
>>>     values = solution.values
>>>     print(f"q = {q.decode(values)}, f = {f.replace_all(values)}")
q = [0. 0. 1. 0.], f = 2.0
q = [0. 0. 1. 1.], f = 3.0
q = [0. 1. 0. 0.], f = 3.0

If a polynomial array is given as the constraint target, the sum of the array elements will be the polynomial to be constrained, as in the equal_to() function.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import less_equal

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()  # Declare a BinaryPoly variable generator
q = gen.array(4)  # Generate variable array of length 4
>>> less_equal(q, 2)
q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 <= 2
>>> less_equal(q.sum(), 2)
q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 <= 2


If the constraint expression is not a polynomial of integer coefficients, the constraint may not be accurately expressed. Even when the constraint expression has integer coefficients, the Ising machines may not find good solutions if the coefficients are too large. These problems may be improved by multiplying both sides of the constraint expression by an appropriate value before creating the constraint object.

Inequality Formulation Methods

The Amplify SDK implements two major methods for generating penalty functions of inequality constraints. One is to convert the inequality constraint to an equality constraint using auxiliary variables (Integer Encoding). The other is to find a function that takes a relatively small value when the constraint is satisfied and use it as the penalty function (Relaxation Method).

These methods are described in detail in the following sections, but each has the following features.


Publish auxiliary variables

Order of penalty function

Represent the constraint accurately

Integer Encoding (when the constraint expression has integer coefficients)


Twice of the constraint expression


Integer Encoding (when the constraint expression has real coefficients)


Twice of the constraint expression


Relaxation Method (when the constraint expression has integer coefficients)


Same as or twice of the constraint expression


Relaxation Method (when the constraint expression has real coefficients)


Same as or twice of the constraint expression


Even if auxiliary variables are not published immediately, if the penalty function is of degree three or higher, additional auxiliary variables are published to lower the order. Also, for the methods that do not represent the constraint accurately, the optimal solution of the logical model and the optimal solution of the original problem may not coincide, no matter how much the weights of the constraints are adjusted.

By default, the integer encoding method is always selected, regardless of the order of the constraint expression or the value of the coefficient.

Integer Encoding

greater_equal(), less_equal(), and clamp() generate penalty functions \(g\) similarly to that of equality constraint functions by default.

First, the range \(\left[c_1, c_2 \right]\) is determined from the possible ranges of the constrained polynomial \(f\) and the given constraint range so that \(c_1\), \(c_2\) are the lower and upper bound \(f\) can take, respectively. If \(c_1, c_2\) are not integers, they are rounded to the nearest integer. Then a penalty function \(g\) is constructed in two ways, depending on the value \(c_2 - c_1\).

  1. If \(c_2 - c_1 > 1\)

    A penalty function \(g\) is created using a polynomial \(h\) whose value range exactly matches the integer range \(\left[c_1, c_2 \right]\).

    \[g = \left( f - h \right)^2\]

    The penalty function \(g\) takes \(g = 0\) if \(f = h\), i.e. \(c_1 \le f \le c_2\), and \(g > 0\) otherwise.

  2. If \(c_2 - c_1 = 1\)

If \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) are adjacent integers, create a penalty function \(g\) as follows:

\[g = \left( f - c_1 \right)\left( f - c_2 \right)\]

The penalty function \(g\) takes \(g = 0\) if \(f = c_1\) or \(f = c_2\) and \(g > 0\) otherwise.

The former case \(c_2 - c_1 > 1\) requires an integer encoding to construct a polynomial \(h\) over binary (or Ising) variables that can take all integer values in \(\left[c_1, c_2 \right]\). The following methods can be specified as integer encodings for creating polynomial \(h\).



Number of auxiliary variables

Maximum absolute value of coefficient

Enumerated type name



\(c_1 + \sum_{i=0}^{c_2 - c_1 - 1}{q_i}\)

\(c_2 - c_1\)




\(c_1 + \sum_{i=0}^{\lfloor \log_2 \left( c_2 - c_1 + 1 \right) \rfloor - 1}{2^i q_i} + \cdots\)

\(O \left( \log_2 \left( c_2 - c_1 + 1 \right) \right)\)

\(O \left( c_2 - c_1 \right)\)


not implemented in Ising


\(c_1 + \sum_{i=1}^{d := \lfloor \sqrt{c_2 - c_1} \rfloor}{ i q_i } + \sum_{i=1}^{d - 1}{ i q_{i+d} } + \cdots\)

\(O \left( \sqrt{c_2 - c_1} \right)\)

\(O \left( \sqrt{c_2 - c_1} \right)\)


not implemented in Ising

Methods other than the Unary method may leave a fraction \(r\) in the above formulation. In such cases, the Binary method adds a term \(r q_x\) for the fraction \(r\), and the Linear method adds two terms with the half value of the fraction \(r\) as their coefficients (if \(r\) is odd, terms with \(\left( r + 1 \right)/2\) and \(\left( r - 1 \right)/2\) will be added).

You can specify an encoding method by setting an instance of InequalityFormulation to the keyword argument method in inequality constraint functions, namely, the greater_equal(), less_equal(), and clamp() functions. Integer encoding requires auxiliary variables depending on the integer range \(c_2 - c_1\). The Amplify SDK automatically manages the auxiliary variables, but you may need to keep in mind how many auxiliary variables you will need and how large the absolute value of the coefficients in the penalty function will be. A large number of auxiliary variables or large absolute values of the coefficients (compared to those of the objective function) may affect the accuracy of the solution.

The following is an example of constructing an inequality constraint object using the Unary method.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator, InequalityFormulation
from amplify.constraint import less_equal

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator() # Declare a BinaryPoly variable generator
q = gen.array(5)  # Generate variable array of length 5
f = q[0] + 2 * q[1] + 3 * q[3] + 4 * q[4] + 5 * q[5]
>>> less_equal(f, 10, method=InequalityFormulation.Unary)
q_0 + 2 q_1 + 3 q_2 + 4 q_3 + 5 q_4 <= 10

If an encoding method is not specified or set to Default, the encoding method is chosen as follows:

  1. Choose the method that uses the least number of auxiliary variables out of the Unary method, the Linear method and the Binary method.

  2. Choose the method in the priority order of the Unary method, the Linear method and the Binary method, if the numbers of the required auxiliary variables are the same.

Please note that when the constraint expression can take a non-integer value or the constraint range is not an integer, the generated penalty function \(g\) will not always take the minimum value even if the constraint is satisfied.

Relaxation method

The above integer encoding method is sometimes difficult to formulate when the constraint expression is of higher order, the range of possible values is too large, or the coefficients are not integers. Therefore, the Amplify SDK provides a method to formulate inequality constraints by using the relaxation method that imposes penalties according to the amount of violation of the constraint.

Equality constraints and inequality constraints using the integer encoding method are also based on the relaxation method such that the penalty function equals zero only when the constraint is satisfied. On the other hand, the relaxation method here is a kind of approximation, since the penalty is not necessarily zero even if the constraint is satisfied.

First, the constraint range \(\left[c_1, c_2 \right]\) of the polynomial \(f\) is determined from its value and the given constraint range. Then, a penalty function \(g\) is created for the constraint \(f \le c_2\) in one of the following two ways.

  1. The first-order penalty function for the given constraint

    \[g = \left(f - c_1 \right) / (c_2 - c_1)\]
  2. The second-order penalty function for the given constraint

\[g = \left(f - m \right) / (c_2 - m), \quad m = \left(c_1 + c_2 \right) / 2\]

In both methods, the penalty is normalized to be \(g = 1\) at the upper bound \(f = c_2\) and is formulated so that the more amount of violations of the constraint, the more penalty will be imposed. Note that a constraint \(f \ge c_1\) is internally converted to \(-f \le -c_1\) when generating penalty function.

To use the above relaxation, you can set RelaxationLinear, RelaxationQuadra or Relaxation to the keyword argument method in the greater_equal() and less_equal() functions. RelaxationLinear corresponds to the first-order penalty function for the constraint expression, and RelaxationQuadra corresponds to the second-order penalty function. Considering that Ising machines only accept quadratic polynomials at most, Relaxation automatically selects the latter if the polynomial to be constrained is of degree 1 and the former otherwise.


The adjustment of the coefficients (Lagrange multiplier) of the penalty function in the relaxation method is more important than in previous methods. A possible policy is to search for the feasible optimal solution by changing the weights and solving the problem many times.

See also

Please refer to Set Constraint Weights for information on how to specify weights for the penalty function.

Formulation of the Knapsack Problem

We treat the formulation of the knapsack problem as an example of using inequality constraints. To solve a knapsack problem, we need to find the set of items with the greatest total value such that the total weight does not exceed \(W\), given several items with weight and value.

Suppose that the weight, value of four items and weight limit are given as follows;

w = [55, 44, 26, 30]  # Weight
v = [50, 36, 24, 33]  # Value
maxW = 100  # Maximum total weight

Create an objective function to maximize the sum of values by generating an array of binary variables representing whether or not to select an item.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()  # Declare a BinaryPoly variable generator
q = gen.array(4)  # Generate variable array of length 4

# Objective function (reversing the sign to make it a minimization problem)
f = -(v * q).sum()

We need to set a constraint so that the total weight does not exceed maxW.

from amplify.constraint import less_equal

# Constraints if weight is maxW or less
g = less_equal((w * q).sum(), maxW)
from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator, Solver
from amplify.constraint import less_equal
from amplify.client import FixstarsClient

# Maximize value
f = -(v * q).sum()

# Constraints if weight is less than 100
maxW = 100
g = less_equal((w * q).sum(), maxW)

# Model
m = f + g

client = FixstarsClient()
client.parameters.timeout = 1000

solver = Solver(client)
result = solver.solve(m)

The results can be shown in the following way:

>>> print(f"Total value: {-result[0].energy}")
>>> print(f"Total weight: {(w * q.decode(result[0].values)).sum()}")
Total value: 93.0
Total weight: 100.0

Constraints Using Penalty Functions

If the constraint you wish to construct is outside the scope of the helper functions, or if you wish to set your own penalty function, you can create your own constraint object using the penalty() function.

As an example of creating a constraint object directly from a penalty function, consider the constraint that two variables \(q_0, q_1\) cannot both be \(1\) at the same time, \(q_0 q_1 = 0\). This constraint can also be realized by equal_to(), but if we set a penalty function explicitly, it is given as follows.

\[g = q_0 q_1\]

The penalty function \(g\) is penalized to \(g = 1\) only if \(q_0 = q_1 = 1\). Otherwise, \(g = 0\).

Create a constraint object using the penalty() function as follows:

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import penalty

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()  # Declare a BinaryPoly variable generator
q = gen.array(2)  # Generate variable array of length 2
g = penalty(q[0] * q[1])  # Set penalty function q[0] * q[1]
>>> g
q_0 q_1 == 0

As before, you can check the results by constructing a logical model from the constraint objects you have created and solving it with a solver object.

from amplify import BinaryQuadraticModel, Solver
from amplify.client import FixstarsClient

client = FixstarsClient()
client.token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
client.parameters.timeout = 1000
client.parameters.outputs.duplicate = True  # Duplicate output of solutions with identical energy values
client.parameters.outputs.num_outputs = 0

model = BinaryQuadraticModel(g)
solver = Solver(client)
result = solver.solve(model)
>>> for solution in result:
>>>     values = solution.values
>>>     energy =
>>>     print(f"q = {q.decode(values)}, energy = {energy}")
q = [0. 0.], energy = 0.0
q = [0. 1.], energy = 0.0
q = [1. 0.], energy = 0.0

We can see variable pairs other than \(q_0 = q_1 = 1\) have been obtained. Since we constructed the model from the constraint only, the energy value of the feasible solution is \(0\).

Construct Advanced Constraints

When giving a penalty function \(g\) to the penalty() function to construct a constraint, \(g\) should always take \(g \ge 0\) for all variable combinations, and the constraint is considered to be satisfied if \(g = 0\). It is possible to change this to equality or inequality with any value.

Suppose that you have a function \(g\) whose minimum value is \(m\). To give a penalty when \(g\) takes a value \(g > m\), give \(m\) as a keyword argument eq.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import penalty

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(3) # Generate variable array of length 3
g = q[0] * q[1] + q[1] * q[2] + q[2] * q[0] + 1 # Penalty function g (min 1)
p = penalty(g, eq = 1) # Make sufficiency determination at g = 1
>>> p
q_0 q_1 + q_0 q_2 + q_1 q_2 + 1 == 1

Suppose that you have a function \(g\). You can give a penalty when \(g\) is less than or equal to some value \(m\), by giving \(m\) to a keyword argument le, no matter whether the minimum value of \(g\) equals to \(m\).

Such constraint object can be constructed as follows:

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import penalty

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(3) # Generate variable array of length 3
f = -q[0] - 0.5 * q[1] - 0.5 * q[2]         # Objective function f
g = q[0] * q[1] + q[1] * q[2] + q[2] * q[0] # Penalty function g (min 0)
p = penalty(g, le = 1)    # Fulfillment determination with g <= 1
>>> p
q_0 q_1 + q_0 q_2 + q_1 q_2 <= 1
>>> result = solver.solve(f + p)
>>> for sol in result:
>>>     print(f"q = {q.decode(sol.values)}, f = {}, g = {g.replace_all(sol.values)}")
q = [1, 1, 0], f = -1.5, g = 1.0
q = [1, 0, 1], f = -1.5, g = 1.0
q = [1, 0, 0], f = -1.0, g = 0.0

We were able to obtain several solutions with \(g \le 1\).

Similarly, keyword arguments ge (greater equal), lt (less than), or gt (greater than) can be specified to express inequality constraint conditions.

Operators and Methods of Constraint Classes

Label Constraints

Constraint objects can be labeled. This allows filtering of constraints based on labels. See Filter Constraints for a filtering usage example.

You can give a label to a constraint object by feeding the label to the final argument or the keyword argument label of the function that constructs the constraint object.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import penalty, equal_to

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(2)  # Generate variable array of length 2
g1 = penalty(q, label="penalty_label")
g2 = equal_to(q, 2, label="equal_to_label")
>>> g1
penalty_label: q_0 + q_1 == 0
>>> g2
equal_to_label: q_0 + q_1 == 2

When constraint objects are printed, their labels are displayed beside their constraint expressions. Only the labels can also be displayed.

>>> g1.label

Check if Constraint Conditions are Satisfied

To check whether the constraint is satisfied with a certain variable set, feed the variable values to the constraint object. The variable values can be given as a dictionary, list, or function object, but they must be resolvable for all variable indices in the constraint.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import one_hot

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(4)  # Generate variable array of length 4
f = one_hot(q)
>>> f.is_satisfied({0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0})
>>> f.is_satisfied([0, 1, 0, 0])
>>> f.is_satisfied(lambda i: 1 if i == 0 else 0)
>>> f.is_satisfied({0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 1})
>>> f.is_satisfied([1, 1, 1, 1])
>>> f.is_satisfied(lambda i: 0)

Obtain Penalty Functions

You can obtain the penalty function, which is an internal expression of a constraint object, as follows:

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator, BinaryQuadraticModel
from amplify.constraint import one_hot, less_equal

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(4)  # Generate variable array of length 4
f1 = one_hot(q)
f2 = less_equal(q, 2)
>>> f1
q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 == 1
>>> f1.penalty
2 q_0 q_1 + 2 q_0 q_2 + 2 q_0 q_3 + 2 q_1 q_2 + 2 q_1 q_3 + 2 q_2 q_3 - q_0 - q_1 - q_2 - q_3 + 1

This way of obtaining penalty functions does not work if auxiliary variables are required to construct the quadratic penalty functions. Such cases occur when a penalty function of a higher degree or an inequality constraint is given. This is because the indices of the auxiliary variables are not yet determined.

>>> f2
q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 <= 2
>>> f2.penalty
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
RuntimeError: Function to publish ancillary variables is not given

In such cases, convert the constraint to a logical model such as BinaryQuadraticModel first, and the penalty function of the corresponding constraint can be checked. Note that there may be a variable conversion between the indices of the input variables and the logical variables since a conversion from input model to logical model is made.

>>> m = BinaryQuadraticModel(f2)
>>> m.input_constraints
[(q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 <= 2, 1)]
>>> m.input_constraints[0][0].penalty
2 q_0 q_1 + 2 q_0 q_2 + 2 q_0 q_3 - 2 q_0 q_4 - 2 q_0 q_5 + 2 q_1 q_2 + 2 q_1 q_3 - 2 q_1 q_4 - 2 q_1 q_5 + 2 q_2 q_3 - 2 q_2 q_4 - 2 q_2 q_5 - 2 q_3 q_4 - 2 q_3 q_5 + 2 q_4 q_5 + q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 + q_4 + q_5

Set Constraint Weights

You can set weights for the constraints. Penalty functions, multiplied by the corresponding weights, are added to the objective function when the constraints are given to a logical model such as BinaryQuadraticModel. That means a weight of a constraint is a relative weight to the objective function or other constraint objects.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import one_hot

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(4)  # Generate variable array of length 4
g = 1 * one_hot(q)
>>> g
(q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 == 1, 1)

When a weight is set to a constraint object, it is represented as a pair of the constraint and the weight (BinaryConstraintTerm). The value of the weight can be changed later, but the constraint condition itself cannot be changed.

>>> g[1] = 2
>>> g
(q_0 + q_1 + q_2 + q_3 == 1, 2)

Constraints Class

It is possible to put multiple constraint objects together as a BinaryConstraints class.

from amplify import BinarySymbolGenerator
from amplify.constraint import one_hot

gen = BinarySymbolGenerator()
q = gen.array(2, 2)  # Generate 2x2 variable array
g1 = one_hot(q[0])
g2 = 2 * one_hot(q[1])
g = g1 + g2
>>> g
[(q_0 + q_1 == 1, 1), (q_2 + q_3 == 1, 2)]

Constraints can be put together as a BinaryConstraints class regardless of whether they are weighted or not. Unweighted constraint object will be given a default value of 1.

The weights can be multiplied or divided across the entire constraints object as follows:

>>> g *= 2
>>> g
[(q_0 + q_1 == 1, 2), (q_2 + q_3 == 1, 4)]

See also

Please refer to One-hot constraint formulation for examples of bundling constraints and setting weights.

Multiplication and Division Operators

Multiplication and division over a constraint(s) object change the value of the constraint weight.

The relation between multiplicand/dividend and return values is as follows:

Numeric type

Multiplicand/Dividend class

Return class


BinaryConstraint BinaryConstraintTerm


BinaryIntConstraint BinaryIntConstraintTerm







BinaryConstraint BinaryConstraintTerm


BinaryIntConstraint BinaryIntConstraintTerm




Addition Operator

Addition to a constraint object behaves differently depending on the object to be added. If added a polynomial or matrix object, a logical model is constructed. On the other hand, if added a constraint object, a constraints object is constructed.

The relation between the object to be added and the returned value is as follows:

Constraint class

Addend class

Return class

BinaryConstraint BinaryConstraintTerm

BinaryConstraint BinaryConstraintTerm


BinaryIntConstraint BinaryIntConstraintTerm






BinaryIntConstraint BinaryIntConstraintTerm

BinaryConstraint BinaryConstraintTerm


BinaryIntConstraint BinaryIntConstraintTerm






